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Using digital design for a better future: Rita’s story

5 November 2021

bp is establishing a user centric approach across its design function. And with a Master’s degree in User Experience, Rita has taken a lead in developing this approach across the organisation

When Rita joined bp as a digital designer, she found a shared passion for human-centric design. “Digital design is more than just selling a product,” she explains. 


It’s about addressing humans and their real needs, and this means interacting with users to carefully consider things like accessibility, diversity and neurodiversity.

bp is establishing a user-centric approach across its design function. And with a Master’s degree in User Experience, Rita has taken a lead in developing this approach across the organisation. 


I’m often the one who reminds people that we’re not just discussing business requirements. As a designer you should be interested in what people are going through at the moment they’re interacting with an interface.

Before she joined bp, Rita’s design career spanned various design agencies where she learnt how to cope under pressure. “It’s an environment where you’re constantly being challenged as there is an expectation to attract clients”, she says. She joined bp last October after years spent doing hands-on design work.


Learning to lead


At bp, Rita now leads teams of designers from external agencies across a wide scope of projects that relate to bp’s new strategy. “I used to be one of those people who just complains about the world’s problems, but when the opportunity arose to work for bp, I saw it as a way to use my design capabilities to work towards a better future”, she says. 


Rita recalls one her first projects, designing for bp’s electric vehicle charging product: 


From the get-go I was exposed to a project that was looking at alternative ways for people to navigate around a city. And it completely validated my decision to join the company. Each day we’re exploring how to design for sustainability and make it a key factor for measuring the success of our work.

More broadly, Rita’s role is about establishing quality control within bp’s design function. The goal is to develop a unified design process where the focus is on the end-user. “It’s an important shift that will serve bp teams across the world. We’re instilling design thinking into everything we do to create an army of designers across the organisation”, Rita explains. 


It’s this hand-off approach that has meant Rita has gained leadership experience, managing different teams and high profile projects: 


bp have put a lot of trust in me, at a relatively young age. I’ve been able to become a more hands-off design practitioner and develop as a leader and strategist.

Building a diverse digital team


Rita believes that now is the perfect time for digital talent to join bp. 


As the organisation evolves we have the freedom to do what we think it best and can make use of cutting-edge technology.

In Rita’s mind, this freedom means design at bp comes with a lot of responsibility as the business moves fowards. 


“bp is also a very diverse organization, so I've met people from all walks of life,” Rita says. As an open member of the LGBTQ+ community, Rita truly values that bp is not just inclusive in name. 


Personally I’ve experienced total freedom and acceptance. With our passion for diversity I believe we can build one of the best design teams in the industry.

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