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More than a job

Release date:
12 February 2020
BP people share their passion for working towards a low carbon future as part of our new Net Zero ambition in our series of six films

It's often said that true job satisfaction comes when your work matches your own personal beliefs. For six BP employees, that's certainly the case. They share on screen why they feel their career is perfectly aligned to their core value of developing a low carbon future for the world. And why they believe BP has a part to play in achieving it. 


From seeking out technologies that allow us to optimize our energy use, reduce plastic waste, and advance the adoption of electric vehicles, to cutting emissions and building more sustainable platforms, their work is at the forefront of the energy transition.



The race is on to get to a low carbon future

Fabio Montemurro, executive assistant to BP’s head of technology 

Technology and innovation developed at pace are key to making strides towards a low carbon future. Fabio, in his new role, is supporting the implementation of technology strategy across BP. It's a role for which he has a good grounding.


His previous role was in BP’s Alternative Energy developments team, scouting and developing  those ideas that can transform the energy landscape as we know it.


“Am I proud of working for the company that has invested in one of the largest solar developers in Europe; the largest public electric vehicle charging network in the UK? Yes.”


Fabio Montemurro

That meant working closely with companies that are developing digital platforms to connect consumers with local, low carbon electricity to power their homes and transport.


BP recently invested in once such company. Grid Edge, a UK-based start-up whose predictive energy management technology enables customers to adapt their energy use, leverage periods of high renewable power generation, and effectively use their building’s flexibility in energy demand and generation like a giant battery, to reduce costs and carbon emissions. The technology typically enables customers to lower carbon emissions by 10 to 15%, with some registering a reduction of more than 30%.


Fabio and his team also worked on the deal that led to BP’s investment in Voltaware, a company that has developed an internet-enabled monitoring system to track energy consumption. Voltaware sensors relay real-time information from individual appliances to a smartphone, allowing the user to adjust their electricity usage, improve efficiency and reduce costs.


Fabio’s work matches his own personal belief that you should leave the world in a better place than you found it. And, as such, he is determined to play his part in the fight against climate change – while working for BP.

On the move: shaping future transport systems

Jo Dally, city partnerships lead, Advanced Mobility

The way that people and goods move is changing. These changes in mobility will be most evident in cities, where transport options are likely to change radically in the future.


BP believes it can play a significant role in shaping this future, as we develop smarter and more sustainable ways to move people and the things they need.


In her role, Jo has built BP’s reputation in this area, creating a network of potential partners across the mobility landscape and developing an understanding of what cities need and how we can best work with them in the future.  

“At BP, we’ve got the ability to make real change. I’d like to make a positive impact on people’s lives by helping them move seamlessly from A to B.”


Jo Dally


Casting out for low carbon solutions

Russell Smith, vice president of global concept development

Russell leads a team that helps BP to make the best energy investments. As well as playing his part in developing inherently safe and competitive major projects for BP’s Upstream, he looks at how they can be made more environmentally friendly by design, producing oil and gas in a way that reduces our operational GHG emissions.


“I find myself working for BP at time when I think I can make a massive difference.”


Russell Smith


That means thinking differently to simplify, standardize and eliminate waste in how projects are conceived and designed.


Remote operations, centralized power, solar and wind integration are all concepts that can cut the carbon footprint of oil and gas development projects. Russell believes BP as an energy business can be part of the solution; finding and developing new sources of energy that are lower carbon. 


Efforts to reduce BP’s emissions from new major projects include providing power for platforms by electric cable from shore or nearby facilities, such as the Cypre unmanned gas production facility offshore Trinidad. Find out more in our ‘Platforms of the future’ feature.

Driving EV adoption

Sophia Nadur, marketing and innovation director, Advanced Mobility Unit

For Sophia, helping to enable the mass adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is a personal mission.


In her role at BP, she seeks out technologies from around the world that help us to move around in a more sustainable way, because, she says: “If people see more charging infrastructure, they will feel more confident to switch to electric cars.”


As part of efforts to persuade people to make the switch, In June 2018 , we acquired BP Chargemaster, which has the largest public electric vehicle (EV) charging network in the UK. And, we’ve started rolling out ultra-fast charging points on our UK and German forecourts.


We’ve also launched a joint venture with DiDi in China, the world’s largest EV market, to build hundreds of EV charging hubs there.

And, we’ve invested in StoreDot, whose ultra-fast charging battery technology offers the potential to in the future bring down EV charging times to around five minutes.


These technologies are expected to dramatically improve the EV ownership experience and play a key role in their earlier adoption – reducing the environmental impact of transportation as a result.


“There is a real deep commitment at BP to provide heat, light and power in a more sustainable way. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t believe it.”


Sophia Nadur


Following nature's example

Kirsty Salmon, senior advisor of new energy frontier technologies and biosciences

A key passion of Kirsty’s is ‘Looping’, meaning she looks for every opportunity for goods to remain in a circular loop, keeping them in use for longer and designing out waste and pollution.


“I’m asked a lot why I work for BP. I say I can help make the change that is needed from within.” 


Kirsty Salmon


Essentially, Kirsty’s passion and her job at BP is helping us to move away from the linear economy of ‘take, make and waste’ to a more circular economy. 


The ultimate goal of a circular economy is zero waste, which Kirsty believes is achievable. A passionate environmentalist, she says: “My attitude is nature doesn’t waste anything, so why should we?”


In her role at BP, she looks for new ways to take materials that are lost as waste and find new opportunities for turning them into energy or other products. For example, BP has developed an innovative recycling technology called BP Infinia that has the potential to divert billions of items of PET plastic packaging from landfills or incinerators. 

Cultivating cleaner energy

Peter Evans, environmental engineering lead, Upstream Technology

The world’s population is going up and we all need energy, but we have to do it in a different way, says Peter, whose job is to help keep natural gas in the pipe and stop methane, a potent greenhouse gas, escaping.


Thanks to his efforts, BP is testing a range of tools designed to detect and quantify methane emissions at its assets.

From handheld devices to satellites in the sky, the technologies will hopefully allow any changes in emissions to be spotted quickly and prioritized so that we can optimize our efforts to tackle emissions in the fastest, most efficient ways. Find out more in our ‘Mastering methane’ feature.


“If I didn’t think BP was serious, I wouldn’t do this job.” 


Peter Evans

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