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Why India’s latest offshore gas project – MJ – matters

Release date:
17 July 2023
Out at sea in the Bay of Bengal, the latest piece of India’s remarkable energy transition story is slotting into place
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Reliance Industries and bp have begun production at the third of three major gas projects that together contribute to meeting about 15% of all the gas needed to help power India’s homes and businesses. 


This latest project, called MJ, is exciting for several reasons. 

It makes a big contribution towards India’s energy security

Energy demand in India is booming – it’s set to double by 2050 according to bp’s Energy Outlook 2023. MJ marks a significant step toward meeting the country’s needs. 


The three gas developments in the KG D6 field – the R-Series, Satellite Cluster and MJ – are forecast to produce around 30 million cubic metres of gas each day. That’s about a third of India’s domestic gas production and can meet approximately 15% of the country’s demand.

 Natural gas has a role to play in the country’s journey to net zero

India has said that it is aiming for net zero emissions by 2070. Over the coming decades, natural gas is going to play an important role in the country’s energy mix, as it has lower emissions than other more carbon intensive energy sources.


According to all three scenarios in the bp Energy Outlook, the share of natural gas in the country’s primary energy mix grows, increasing from 5% in 2019 to between 7% and 11% in 2050.

It demonstrates how successful partnerships can do big things

We’re working closely with our long-standing partner, Reliance Industries (RIL). Our success in bringing new gas fields into production shows what’s possible when we work closely and collaboratively. 


“Our close strategic partnership with RIL now stretches back over 15 years and we are proud of how it continues to deepen – in gas, retail, aviation fuels and sustainable mobility solutions,” bp CEO Bernard Looney said. “Together, we are helping to meet India’s growing energy needs, bringing the best of each partner to create real value.” 


MJ’s eight wells are a feat of engineering. They are drilled in depths up to 1,100 metres – that’s a depth greater than the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa. The wells are connected to the Ruby floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, which was designed in India and built in South Korea.

An infographic with facts about the MJ field
Find out more about the three KG D6 projects in India

Did you know?

The field name KG D6 stands for Krishna Godavari Dhirubhai 6, after two river basins and the production block. It’s located about 30 kilometres from the existing onshore terminal at Gadimoga. 

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