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The rich biodiversity of our planet is under threat. We understand that transformative change is needed and recognize there is also an intrinsic link between the need for global action on biodiversity and climate change. As part of our purpose – to reimagine energy for people and our planet – we are taking action to restore, maintain and enhance nature
Aerial view of a bioenergy plant

Enhancing biodiversity

Our aim 16 is making a positive impact through our actions to restore, maintain and enhance ‎biodiversity where we work.‎

We will do this by putting our biodiversity position into action. In doing so, we expect that from 2022 all ‎new bp projects in scope will have plans in place aiming to achieve net positive impact, with a target for ‎‎90% of actions to be delivered within five years of project approval.

Our biodiversity position

Our biodiversity position builds on robust practices already in place to manage biodiversity across bp projects. It sets out the actions we are taking to restore, maintain and enhance nature. Our biodiversity position states:

  • We commit not to operate any new oil and gas exploration or production activities inside the boundary of officially inscribed UNESCO World Heritage sites; and inside the boundary of Strict Nature Reserves (International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN category Ia) or Wilderness Areas (IUCN category Ib)) as listed on 1 January 2020.
  • We will aim to achieve a net positive impact on biodiversity in our new projects.
  • We will aim to enhance biodiversity around our existing major operating sites.
  • We will support biodiversity restoration and the sustainable use of natural resources.

Our biodiversity position provides additional information on each of these points.

Protected areas

We review bp activities in or near protected areas each year and report on the number and overlap of our major operating sites in or near to protected or key biodiversity areas. We also engage with others to make sure we keep up to speed with best practice.

Working with others

We are working to establish partnerships with global conservation organizations to support the delivery of these activities and will continue to work with others to promote the need for action on biodiversity.

We will continue to work with governments, industry associations, and businesses including our suppliers and our joint ventures. Our engagement with others includes:

  • membership of the Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures Forum – we have reviewed its framework and provided feedback. We have also used the framework to feed into our work to prepare for future nature-related disclosure requirements
  • support for Ipieca’s Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Working Group and the UNEP-WCMC Proteus Partnership
  • sponsorship of the UK Business & Biodiversity Forum, which together with the International Chamber of Commerce UK and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, supports businesses in integrating biodiversity into their activities
  • engagement with the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Nature Positive working group.


Biodiversity in bp operations and projects

In 2023, we began applying our NPI biodiversity methodology to new, in scope bp projects, such as the Northern Endurance Partnership Development in the UK and the Ubidari Carbon Capture project in Indonesia.

We have prioritized the development of biodiversity enhancement plans. In 2023 we focused on two of the five operations in biodiversity sensitive areas and the other three will be our focus for 2024 and 2025. Both Cherry Point refinery in the US and our operations in the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Türkiye (AGT) region made progress by identifying and implementing biodiversity enhancement activities in and around their operations.


Biodiversity restoration

We support biodiversity restoration projects in countries where we operate. We are also supporting research which aims to identify important biodiversity areas for future conservation or restoration.


In 2023, we supported both new and ongoing projects. Our new projects included:

  • Zangilan forest restoration in Azerbaijan
  • Restoration of the Tees Rivers in the UK, led by the Tees River Trust
  • A rewilding feasibility study of the Tbilisi National Park in Georgia.

These new projects build on our existing biodiversity restoration projects, including the restoration of seagrass and coral reefs in Tobago, enhancing forest and maquis ecosystems in Türkiye, and helping to restore forest biodiversity in the Ajameti Managed Reserve, Georgia.