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Tag: Climate change

20 results found
  • Annex
    bp’s Energy Outlook 2024 uses two scenarios – Current Trajectory and Net Zero – to explore the speed and shape of the energy transition out to 2050 and to help shape a resilient strategy for bp
  • Energy demand
    Energy demand
    In bp’s Energy Outlook 2024, growth in energy demand is led by increasing prosperity in emerging economies, offset by quickening gains in energy efficiency
  • Five aims to help the world get to net zero
    Five aims to help the world get to net zero
    At bp we are advocating for policies that support net zero, incentivizing our workforce, assessing our alignment with trade associations and helping corporates achieve their decarbonization goals
  • Five aims to get bp to net zero
    Five aims to get bp to net zero
    At bp we have set five aims to get to net zero by 2050
  • Trade association reports
    Trade association reports
    At bp, we will make the case for our views on climate change within the associations we belong to and we will be ‎transparent where we differ. And where we can’t reach alignment, we will be prepared to leave
  • Carbon pricing principles
    Carbon pricing principles
    At bp we believe that well-designed carbon pricing provides the right incentives for everyone – energy producers and consumers alike – to play their part in reducing emissions
  • Biodiversity
    At bp we understand that transformative change is needed and recognize there is also an intrinsic link between the need for global action on biodiversity and climate change
  • Nature-based solutions
    Nature-based solutions
    At bp we aim to use nature-based solutions (NbS) to deliver value and contribute to our people and planet aims in our operations and through our business activities
  • CDP
    At bp we believe transparent reporting can enable more meaningful ‎engagement with our stakeholders. We submitted our 2023 CDP climate change questionnaire on 25 July
  • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
    Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
    At bp we support the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which was established by the Financial Stability Board
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