Board and leadership team
Find out more about our board and leadership team
‘Who we are’ defines what we stand for at bp, building on our best qualities and those things that are most important to us. It comprises three simple beliefs that can inspire each of us at bp to be our best every day
The world’s transition to a more secure, more affordable, lower carbon energy system needs massive investment in lower carbon energies AND continued investment in oil and gas as the alternatives grow. We’re transforming bp to play our part – discover more below
Each of our brands has its own heritage and personality, but they all have one thing in common – they all symbolize, embody or provide tremendous energy
Our story has always been about transitions: from coal to oil, from oil to gas, from onshore to deep water, and now onwards towards a new mix of energy sources as the world moves to a lower carbon future
We are organized into 10 entities, each with a clear purpose. Our corporate governance framework enables us to fulfil both our purpose and net zero ambition