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See acronyms used in our reporting below or download the full glossary of terms in this PDF
ADR American depositary receipt.
ADS American depositary share. 1 ADS = 6 ordinary shares.
Barrel (bbl)
159 litres, 42 US gallons.
bcf Billion cubic feet.
bcf/d Billion cubic feet per day.
bcfe Billion cubic feet equivalent.
bcma Billion cubic metres per annum.
b/d Barrels per day.
boe Barrels of oil equivalent
Barrels of oil equivalent per day
EJ/yr Exajoules
EVP Executive vice president.
FPSO Floating production, storage and offloading.
GAAP Generally accepted accounting practice.   
Gas Natural gas.
Grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per megajoule of energy.
GHG  Greenhouse gas. 
GRI Global Reporting Initiative.
GtCO₂ Gigatonnes of carbon dioxide.
GW Gigwatt
GWh  Gigawatt hour.
HSSE Health, safety, security and environment.
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards. 
Kb/d Thousand barrels per day.
KPIs  Key performance indicators. 
kt Thousand tonnes.
LNG Liquefied natural gas. 
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas.
mb/d  Thousand barrels per day. 
Mbbl Million barrels.
mboe/d Thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day.
mmb/d or Mb/d Million barrels per day. 
mmboe/d Million barrels of oil equivalent per day. 
mmBtu Million British thermal units. 
Million cubic feet per day. 
mmte or Mte Million tonnes.
MteCO₂e Million tonnes of CO₂ equivalent.
Mtpa Million tonnes per annum.
MW Megawatt. 
MWe Megawatt electrical.
MWp Megawatt peak.
NGLs Natural gas liquids. 
PSA Production-sharing agreement. 
PTA Purified terephthalic acid.
RC  Replacement cost.
RMM  Refining marker margin.
scfm Standard cubit feet per metre
SEC  The United States Securities and Exchange Commission. 
Twh Terawatt hour.
SVP Senior vice president.
WTI  West Texas Intermediate.