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  4. Sustainability Report 2023 at a glance
Giulia Chierchia
In 2023 we continued our work to embed sustainability throughout bp, focusing on where we can have the biggest impact and create the most value.


Giulia Chierchia
EVP,  strategy, sustainability & ventures

Safety comes first

At bp safety comes first. We know there is always more we can do to improve safety performance. Our goal is to eliminate all fatalities, life-changing injuries and the most serious process safety incidents, and we continue to work to strengthen bp’s safety culture.

Performance at a glance

Since launching our net zero aims in 2020 and our people and planet aims in 2021, we have been in action to deliver them.

Engineer works on outdoor pipes

Getting to net zero

Aim 1: Net zero operations


reduction in absolute emissions against the 2019 baseline

2022: 41%

Aim 2: Net zero production


reduction in absolute emissions against the 2019 baseline

2022: 15%

Aim 3: Net zero sales


reduction in the average lifecycle carbon intensity of sold energy products against the 2019 baseline.

2022: 2%

Aim 4: Reducing methane


methane intensity

2022: 0.05%

Aim 5: More $ into transition


transition growth investment

2022: $4.9bn

Early careers employees in Gelsenkirchen

Improving people's lives

Aim 11: More clean energy


Renewables projects pipeline

2022: 37.2GW

Aim 12: Just transition

In Teesside, UK we are funding the Teesside Clean Energy Technician Scholarship to help people from diverse backgrounds prepare for employment in low carbon industries. The first cohort started studying in September 2023.

Aim 13: Sustainable livelihoods

Our contribution to the development of sustainable livelihoods in communities close to our Tangguh LNG facility in Indonesia has been recognized by an independent advisory panel.

Aim 14: Greater equity


bp and Amoco US retail sites are partnering with fuelService, a disability-owned enterprise, to support customers with physical disabilities.

Aim 15: Enhance wellbeing

All of our eligible employees and their families now have access to an online wellbeing platform at bp.

Man inspecting fowler ridge wind farm repower project

Caring for the planet

Aim 16: Enhancing biodiversity

We are applying our net positive impact biodiversity methodology on new, in scope bp projects. These include the Northern Endurance Partnership Development in the UK and the Ubidari carbon capture project in Indonesia.

Aim 17: Water positive

We saw a 29% fall in freshwater withdrawals and a 15% fall in freshwater consumption, compared with our 2020 baseline.

Aim 18: Championing nature-based solutions

We worked on finalizing our NbS action plan, which focuses on ways of embedding nature into our engineering designs for new projects and existing operations.

Aim 19: Unlock circularity


reduced-cost bags of food sold in Germany and around 54,000 meals delivered to local communities in Australia – helping to avoid the environmental costs of food waste.

Aim 20: Sustainable purchasing

We published our new sustainable purchasing position. It sets our focus areas to help us engage suppliers to promote a more sustainable supply chain.

Case studies

Read more on how we’re embedding sustainability across bp and our progress in 2023.

Reducing operational emissions at bpx energy

Reducing operational emissions at bpx energy

The expansion of bpx energy’s network of centralization facilities reduced operational emissions by 149ktCO2e in 2023. This expansion includes the Bingo facility, which came online in August 2023.

bpx Energy's Bingo facility
Inclusive recruitment in Spain

Inclusive recruitment in Spain

bp Spain is working to improve understanding of the issues trans and non-binary people can face when they apply for jobs, through the innovative bpTransform programme it runs with support from local NGOs.

The programme has helped 15 trans people find jobs in bp retail sites and offices in Spain and more than 300 bp employees have participated in inclusivity awareness raising sessions.

Reef restoration in Tobago

Reef restoration in Tobago

We are working on a five-year project with the Trinidad and Tobago Institute of Marine Affairs exploring restoration methods to rehabilitate coral reefs and sea grasses essential to Tobago’s marine biodiversity and economy.

Our sustainability frame

Our purpose is reimagining energy for people and our planet. Our sustainability frame translates our purpose into action and underpins our strategy to become an integrated energy company. It sets out aims in the areas where we believe we can make the biggest difference for bp, our stakeholders and society.
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